This content was developed in 2008 as a CD-ROM. It is being provided online for archival purposes and may not be compatible with all devices or browsers.


Quick Links

ActivityFirst Challenges

Goal Setting

SMART goal chart

VA map full page

VA map student sheet

Jump Rope Certificates

1 minute certificate

2 minutes certificate

3 minutes certificate

5 minutes certificate

Blank Jump Rope Certificate

Sit-Up Certificates

50 certificate

100 certificate

200 certificate

500 certificiate

Blank Sit-Up certificate

Push-Up Certificate

20 certificiate

40 certificiate

50 certificiate

75 certificiate

100 certificate

Blank Push-Up certificate

Every Move Counts Certificates

Every move counts certificate

EMC goal setting certicificate

The Extras are additional resources that you can use to add depth to the students’ physical activity experience. They are ActivityFirst challenges, goal setting resources and certificates. The ActivityFirst challenges can be used as instant activities or to provide a brief activity break within a classroom or home setting. These challenges are also on the website

There are two goal setting resources: a Smart Goal Chart and a VA goal setting map. You can use the Smart Goal Chart to help students create goals to align with their activity. The VA goal setting map can be used with pedometers or another area of health-related fitness. You can set a certain number of steps, sit-ups, push-ups to equal each number on the map. (For example: in order to circle a number, a student must complete 50 steps, 25 sit-ups or 10 push-ups). There is a full page VA goal setting map and a student VA goal setting sheet.

In addition, there are four categories for the certificates. The categories are jump rope (1, 2, 3, 5 minutes) sit-ups (50, 100, 200, 500), push-ups (20, 40, 50, 75, 100) and an overall Every Move Counts certificate and EMC goal setting certificate. For someone to earn a jump rope certificate, they must be able to complete rope jumping for the designated time without missing. For someone to earn a sit-up certificate, they must be able to complete the designated number of sit-ups in a row without stopping. For someone to earn a push-up certificate, they must be able to complete the designated number of push-ups in a row without stopping. (**Remember the students must be using correct form for each of the sit-ups and push-ups they complete.) The Every Move Counts certificate can be used for whatever goal you have established for your students. The EMC goal setting certificate can be used for students to set their own health-related fitness goal to achieve.