This content was developed in 2008 as a CD-ROM. It is being provided online for archival purposes and may not be compatible with all devices or browsers.


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Activity Description (PDF)

Bingo Numbers (PDF)


Jump'n Bingo (PDF)

Muscular Fitness Bingo (PDF)

Stretch and Flex Backbend (PDF)

Stretch and Flex Balance (PDF)

Stretch and Flex Core (PDF)

Stretch and Flex Standing Poses (PDF)

Activity Description and Rules:

The objective is to be the first student to complete all of your activities on the BINGO board. To play this activity, each student or pair of students needs a Bingo Card and a dry erase marker. The teacher needs to have a 20 sided die. (If you do not have a 20-sided die, you can print the page of numbers 1-20.) Print the Bingo board on cardstock and laminate the boards so they can be used over again.
To begin:

  1. The teacher rolls the die (or selects a number 1-20). The teacher calls the number and the students try to find the number on their cards. As soon as they find their number they begin performing the activity shown on the card. When the teacher says stop, the students listen for the next number to be called.
  2. The students can try to complete the spaces in a row across, down, or blackout (all spaces are marked). The student yells ‘BINGO’ when they complete one of the above.
  3. If it is the first time the students are using the BINGO cards, allow them to mark the space if they attempt the movement.


  1. 20 sided dice or 20 numbered cards
  2. Music
  3. Equipment associated with the Bingo card content.
  4. Bingo card for each student or pair of students
  5. Dry erase markers

Game Modifications:

Version #1: Teachers can play several versions of the game. Black out = Completing every space on the board; T = Completing all the space on the top row and one vertical row; X = Completing spaces to create an X on the board; Odds or Evens = Completing all the odds or all the evens on the board.

Version #2: There are different versions of the BINGO game (stretch-n- flex, jump rope, etc.)  The teacher tells students how long or how many repetitions to complete each space on the BINGO card.

Version #3: To challenge the students, a teacher can tell students that they can only mark a square if they are able to perform the movement for the whole time or every repetition. If they were not able to, they would continue to practice but would not be able to mark the square.